Monday, August 13, 2012

Vault Suit 101, Episode Three: Paint!

Yep, I've been doing some painting.  For projects like this, I like to use Testors model paint.  Especially on the hard plastic bits.  It's just a personal preference really.  I like the way it dry brushes, and the metalic colors feel like they look a bit more ... metallic.  Also, I have a ton of it laying around because I used to build a lot of models, which always helps.

For this update, I started working on a new and exciting accessory, did some more construction on the Pip-Boy body, and finished up the elbow/knee pads.  Let's start there!

These look a little more like they've been out in the wasteland now, don't they?  After the solid black coat, I went over most of the surface very lightly with a dark olive drab, paying special attention to the ridges and edges (parts of the pad that would get the most natural wear).  After that dried, I dry brushed on some steel color, once again mostly just on the protruding bits.  Oh, and remember how I said those scratches and dents would come in handy later...?

Oh yeah, those look nice!  All that's left is to attach them to the suit itself, and they're good to go.

Now to show off that new accessory I'm working on and explain how I'm approaching it.  Here they are, in varying stages of completion:

Nuka Cola bottle caps!  How else would I be able to trade for goods in the PAX Prime wasteland?  (if I can manage to trade a few of these for actual goods, I'll be thrilled ... lol)  The logo looks a bit more hand painted than I'd like, but at least I don't have to draw it on each and every cap.  I made a stamp!

The red part is thick craft foam.  I had originally hoped I could carve the stamp itself out of the foam, but it proved to be a little bit too squishy.  Instead, I painted over one side of the foam with several thick coats of gesso, let them dry, sanded them smooth, transferred the design onto that, and carved it out with the tip of a brand new X-Acto knife blade.  It actually worked out pretty well!  Except the paint I'm using doesn't stamp very cleanly, so I have to go back over the logo with a paintbrush and fill it in...  It'll probably look a little better once I weather them a little bit.

And, lastly, a little update on the Pip-Boy progress.  I had a pretty busy weekend, so I didn't get too terribly much done, but I did give it a bit more shape.

I roughed out the hole for the screen, and added a little turny gear!  While I was busy this weekend, I learned a thing or two about LEDs, and that gave me an idea for what I'm going to do for the screen.  Nothing too fancy, but at least it'll light up!  Er ... hopefully.  I have the next couple of days off, so expect another update soon.  Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. You know, that PIP boy would be perfect for a Raspberry Pi if you could adapt a power source...
